Disclaimer: This is going to start out kind of like a pity party, but hang in there for the end if you can.
If you know me well, then you know that I have been praying for quite some time for one particular thing- that thing being community. After transferring to the College of Charleston during my freshman year, I had a pretty good first semester and met a lot of really awesome people. Unfortunately, despite a very small few people who have remained constant in my life from that semester, I didn't have a strong sense of belonging with any of the people I had met. I wondered what was wrong with my personality and why people didn't want to hang out with me. I tried making friends, hanging out with people occasionally, trying to keep in touch, with no success. Realizing that there wasn't anything wrong with me, I turned to God for some assistance (which of course should have been my first thought). I have been praying for almost two and a half years for a community of people who love the Lord and will love me too. I asked some people to intercede for me in prayer as well. As I mentioned in my
last post, I recently started going to a new (to me) campus ministry at CofC in hopes that I would finally connect with someone! This past weekend we had a retreat in Garden City and I was a little nervous going into it without knowing many people AT ALL. One of the talks this weekend mentioned the part in John 15, where it is written that God is the vine and we are the branches and apart from God we can do nothing. After two and a half years of praying and abiding, my prayers are finally bearing fruit. AMEN to that! This past weekend was an emotional one, as I connected with and grew close to so many people who share with me the common goal of living like Jesus did and being bold in faith and love. I made so many friends and I can't wait to continue to share my life with them. Thank the Lord He came through, because I got tired of telling people that I have no friends... ha.
I am so so encouraged today, and I know that the Lord hears and answers. Even though I doubted often and was beyond discouraged at times, the Lord didn't fail me when I didn't give up. He knows all of the desires of my heart, and I desire daily to love Him more and love others with the love He has for me.
Keep on praying y'all!