
Friday, June 8, 2012

For the Lord is good.

"For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations."
Psalm 100:5

I wanted to share this story of this beautiful boy and his younger sister. They are both children at the Lamb Institute Children's Home in Honduras, and I love them very much. When I was there in December, I truly grew to love this little guy, Marvin. He was so sweet and affectionate, and although he didn't speak much, he spoke through his eyes and his actions. A little standoffish when we first met, I think I grew on him as the week went on, and he grew on me. It was hardest for me to leave this child of God, but I knew in my heart I would return to him. And with God's faithfulness, I will be returning to Marvin and all the kids at the children's home this Friday.

Here's Marvin's story (and his sister Marjeli) from Suzy's blog:

Plucking brands from the fire can be an extremely delicate activity! Satan does not take kindly to having his brands removed, primarily because he plans to use them to "steal, kill and destroy."

This image fits perfectly with our experience with two children, brother and sister, Marvin and Marjeli, who were born in Enemy territory and whose lives were surely forfeit had not the Lord of Mercy and Justice intervened.

The first person in our ministry to become acquainted with these siblings was Olga, who gave them food one day and then gradually had them on her doorstep every single night begging for supper. They said their mother was sick and couldn’t work. Could they have some food for her, too? Olga went with them to their house and discovered that their mother was sick indeed: tuberculosis. She was also using drugs and selling herself to support the habit. Her children were 8 and 1, the older brother carrying the baby sister from house to house to find food while the mother languished in their pitiful room. Their family was added to our food bank.

A few months later our daycare director, Suyapa, met the children. They had followed their friend Olga to our offices one day. Suyapa began to lobby to have them brought into our school and daycare. Some of the staff resisted accepting “street children,” but eventually compassion won out, and Marvin and Marjeli became part of the “God’s Littlest Lambs” community. Marvin was 9 and Marjeli was 2. Although Marvin had been promoted to third grade in the public school, he could not read, so our teachers got to work, discovered he was very bright, and began to fill in the academic holes.

Then their father came home. Add a drug dealer to the family, a thief and addict, exploiter of children, abusive and erratic. Marvin missed school, and when someone was sent to look for him, he was “working.” Because of the parents’ close relationship with violent gangs, nobody was anxious to “set them off,” and any talk about taking the children to our children’s home (which was suggested more than once) made them very angry.

Our staff continued to love and educate the two children,and our social worker began reach out to the parents. They were given a bed and continued to receive food. A two-week food ration, however, ran out very early, as it was often sold to buy drugs. Marvin and Marjeli began to show up at Olga’s house asking for supper again. So in addition to breakfast, lunch and two snacks, supper was added to their daily ration at the daycare. They were also bathed at the daycare, their clothes were washed, and they learned about the love of Jesus.

A few more months went by. Every time the ministry leadership came together, these two children were discussed. Everyone was in agreement that they needed to be at the children’s home, but nobody knew how to pluck the brands from the fire without risking serious retribution from the parents. Would they kill someone on our staff? Would they kill one of our children? We didn’t know what else to do except pray, continue to love, and wait.

The one day the mother went to the neighborhood health center and was re-diagnosed with TB. By law the entire family had to be tested. Both children tested positive. Government officials immediately took the children to be quarantined in the public hospital for respiratory illnesses. The parents were told that the children could no longer live with them, that they would have to go to Social Services. The parents requested that they be sent to our children’s home. 
However, as soon as the children were transferred from the hospital to our own quarantine facility, the parents began to breathe threats again: “Give them back or we will kill somebody.”

Once again God intervened. The father, a sometimes auto mechanic, stole parts from a car he had been commissioned to repair. He spent the money on drugs. The owner of the car also had close ties with a gang. He said he would kill the father if he did not pay him for the parts. The father and mother fled the city, leaving the two smoking brands behind.

But we still did not have a signed permission to care for the children. And before long a pair of tattooed young men held vigil outside of our office for most of a morning. They asked about Marvin – they just wanted to ask him where his father was, they said. It was very important that they talk with him. Our office staff was nervous. In Honduras tattoos mean gang involvement, and gang involvement means potential violence. There was talk of calling the parents to pick up the children.

We held a prayer service in the office. We agreed that we could not hand over these two innocent children to their parents. To do so would be to return them to Enemy fire, perhaps forever. We decided to wait.

Two days later the mother showed up at the office alone. We ushered her inside, gave her breakfast, listened to her story. And then we gently suggested again that the children needed to remain with us. Could she sign a paper giving permission? She began to weep: “I’ll miss them.” We prayed with her. She placed her signature and fingerprint on the permission.

Marvin is 10 and Marjeli is 3. I asked Marvin if he knew that Jesus loves him. “Yes,” he said. “At school they told me.” 

These children have favor with the Lord, they are loved, they are protected, they are beautiful in His eyes. I am so blessed to have been able to spend time with these children, to share in their affection and joy that comes from the Father. I have prayed and will continue to pray for this ministry and these children, and I look forward to spending a month with them! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Next Design Star....

Some fun things have been going down at the James household this week. We've been rearranging! I love moving furniture and I love rearranging the furniture in my room.. I do it about once a month... not kidding. The move was a little different this time. (Here's a little back story: in our house, we have 3 bedrooms and a 'playroom'. Each child has lived in the playroom, because it is the biggest room in our house. So my brother had it until he moved to college, then I had it until I moved to college, and now my sister has it.) We had the bright idea this summer to move my bed into my sister's room (the big playroom) and make my room into a hangout room. I know, we sound like five year olds, getting so excited about sharing a room and having a hangout room, but this thing is awesome! It basically become our craft room, and I never thought having a room designated just for crafting would be so inspirational. I have been crafting and sewing like no one's business! Needless to say, I have been busy sewing and drawing and painting since we made this room. It is going to get a new paint job soon (maybe even a chalkboard wall), but for now, it is a source of motivation and inspiration for some crazy crafting! Here are some of the crafts I have completed in the new room:

I made this awesome new bible cover, which was in my last blog post. I'm in love with it.

the outside- three fabrics I put together.
it even has these great pockets for the Bible to slide in.

I took the ugly sleeves off this shirt and made it this cute tank top!

I made this awesome journal to take to Honduras.


Friday, June 1, 2012


It has been almost a month since I blogged last. I guess I lost track of time a little bit and didn't realize it had been so long! I send my apologies at ya, readers (if there are any of you out there).  Not a whole lot has been going on, which attributes to my lack of blog posts this month, but I'll share a few updates on what's happened the past month.

I have been out of school since April 29th. Way too early in my opinion, but I try not to complain. I have still been nannying and tutoring and babysitting out the wazoo, but that is slowly starting to end as all my kiddies are finishing school. Basic (my church's junior high youth group where I'm a volunteer) just ended and my small group of 6th grade girls met for our last time this year. It has been a strange thing for me, having all of the things that have kept me so busy this school year come to an end. They have all been wonderful and have been places the Lord has used to provide growth for me spiritually and emotionally. The funding for my month long trip to Honduras has gone more smoothly than I could have ever hoped for. The Lord has continued to manifest His constant provision over my life these past few months in many different ways, and I couldn't be more thankful. He has provided people in my life when and where I needed them most, He has provided money and funds when I prayed and asked, and He has spoken words reaching directly to my heart.

--Speaking of the "words", I'm talking about prophetic words from members of the St. Andrew's prophetic ministry team and other members of St. A's. I've been able to learn a lot about what the Lord wants me to hear and what He thinks of me. I've been yearning and begging for him to speak to me, for him to shout in a loud, clear voice that I can easily hear, but that just isn't how the Lord wants to speak to me right now. He wants me to sit, listen, pull myself away from the world and focus in to hear His quiet, still, small voice. He wants to communicate with me, I just need to listen.--

I've been sewing a little bit.. or trying to get back into. I made a Bible cover that I am so proud of. Here's a pic, I took it from my phone so sorry for the back quality. I might sell some. It's awesome. I love it.

I leave for Honduras in 14 days. I am beyond excited. So excited that I have already started packing... Too early? Too bad!

Here are a few pictures I've taken recently:

Love the stars in this!

Our Sundae Wednesday, final Basic of the semester: