
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Espiritu de Dios

      It's been quite some time since I blogged, due to the fact that I have been home for winter break and haven't had internet connection. Another reason is that I have been out of the country for the past week or so in Honduras! The experience I had there was unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life.  A group of 23 of us headed out of Charleston on December 27th and started making our way towards Tegucigalpa. The weather was so warm and sunny and the landscape was more than beautiful. We were working down there with the LAMB Institute (, started by missionary Suzy McCall in 1999. The organization is Christ-centered and includes the children's home for about 65 abused and neglected children,  an elementary school and daycare for over 250 children, and a micro-finance and community outreach program. So as you can imagine, most of my days there were spent with children in my arms (or on my back)- and I am definitely not complaining.
     The trip began with many changes in plans... It was crazy to see how all of the plans we made prior to the trip were changed around because the Lord had even better plans for us. We ended up painting the Ninos Casa (the cottage that hosted the smallest children at the home: ages 1-5), we brought in loads of dirt and started leveling out there soccer field, and we took on the task of electrically wiring the future computer lab at the home. And I can't leave out the hours of crafts we did with the kids as well!
      During the time I was there, God revealed a lot of things to me. He showed me how important every single life is, how much He loves every one of His children, and how lucky I am to live where I live and have the things I have. We can't take for granted the life the Lord has given us, the people He puts in out paths, and the love He continually pours out on us always.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Mary Crawford! Love your blog. God is so good, isn't He?
