I have been nannying for two lovely little girls for the past year and couldn't be more in love with my job. I have learned more than I ever thought I would or could. There have been many laughs, tears, "because I said so's," and "we are leaving in 10 seconds with or without you's." Was I really so funny when I was 8? Was I so whiny? Was I so snuggly? Was I so (insert any word to describe a child at any moment). But I would say what I have gained most from this past year has been appreciation. Appreciation for all those Mom's out there who made the decision to raise their children, because man it is tough! Not only is it tough, but it is rewarding. To see a child's excitement when you compliment their tree climbing abilities or hear their laughter when they watch Ice Age 4. And it doesn't hurt that I am just as mature as my 8 and 11 year old... ha. That's my spiel for the momma's out there. You rock.
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