
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Calendar Girl

Yesterday I made this great and easy calendar that works with a dry erase marker. I went with the girls I nanny and gathered all of the supplies. We made it all the way home before the inevitable happened- Kelsey stepped on my poster frame and put a large crack in it. Thus, my project was delayed a day and I had to go purchase a new frame! I saw this on Pinterest of course, and here's the pin. Here's how you can have one of your own:

What you need:
- a poster board frame from Target or Walmart
-35 paint sample chips from Lowes or Home Depot
- white card stock paper
-spray glue
-masking tape
-fabric of your choice (optional)

1. Remove the contents from the poster board frame so that you have the cardboard insert. Using spray glue, cover the cardboard with your fabric. (you may choose to use paper or even just a regular poster board)
2. Lay your paint chips into 5 rows with 7 in each row. Create a header for the name of the month (leave it blank) and the days of the week out of the white card stock. I also made a notes section because I had some extra space. (I used a paper cutter to remove the words from each or my paint chips so that the name and number weren't visible for the final product).
3. Tape all of the paint chips and paper into place. (You may also choose to use the fabric glue again).
4. Assemble the frame back together and there you have it!

There is a lot of freedom in this, so be creative!

halfway through trimming the words off of the paint chips

Sorry for the blurry pictures, I had to resort to using my phone!

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