
Thursday, June 30, 2011

What was she thinking?

Today I had a lot of time to myself. Which obviously means a lot of time to think (this could be a very bad thing). Luckily, in this case, it wasn't so bad. I woke up early and walked along the beach on the river side of Daniel Island. It was SO quiet it was almost scary. And I was by myself, which was awesome, but I had to keep a look out for sexual predators. Joking. But really.... Anyways the day went on. I lifted weights, which used to be a daily thing, but now I am so out of shape that I had to lower my levels by a large amount. Sadly. I went to the typical lunch spot with my sister- Mozzo. This place is seriously the bomb. I am now a regular, which is embarrassing but secretly the best thing ever! On a different note, I then went to chill with my grandma for the day and cleaned the house. We went through so many piles of papers I can't even explain it to you. It was overwhelming. I went to Starbucks with a friend who is one of the coolest people I know- you know who you are! That was great and also very frustrating. We were having some photo editing issues. Enough said. I then decided to go for a run. This doesn't happen very often. To switch things up, I went over to the Old Village on my way home and ran there. It was so quiet and so peaceful and such a place for me to think, once again. I went to the Pitt Street bridge after and took some photos (which you can find a couple of below).

So you may be wondering, what was I thinking about all day? Well lots of things. Like how stupid it is that I am so comfortable with my life and my faith. How I need to do something for the spread of the kingdom (God's kingdom that it). How I live in this little bubble where I am safe and free from hurt and let down. How I quench the Holy Spirit and sometimes prohibit it's power from being manifested. How I really like to paint and take photographs. How lucky I am to have my family. How fortunate I am to be able to see. Yes, see with my own two eyes. Have you ever thought about that? I can see the beautiful creation all around me and that, my friends, makes me grateful. You get the picture here, but it was just a good day. Filled with some good 'ole 'me' time and some quality 'Jesus kickin' my butt' (in the best way possible) time.

Pretty funky lookin' pigeon

(from Daniel Island)

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