
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Good Ole Days

I wish I could use that phrase when referring to high school, but it wasn't all that great in my opinion. There were times I loved, and times I really hated, and unfortunately, the times I hated outweigh the times I loved! I was reminiscing a little bit this weekend while getting my sister ready for prom. She is just growing up so fast, and I've been thinking about how much we are alike. She probably isn't too happy that she is anything like me, but luckily she has received all of the normal qualities I have and left me as the weird one (this could also be due to my middle child syndrome). But anyways, this weekend was prom and she looked so beautiful:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. You made my Sunday morning!!! I love you all!!! Cacky
