
Thursday, April 5, 2012


I have come to the conclusion that most, if not all, of my recent anxiety is due to the fact that I am the worst at making decisions. If you know me at all, you probably know that I am the most indecisive person when it comes to just about anything- food, clothes, what to do on Saturday, etc. And recently, my indecisiveness has taken a turn for the worst. As if deciding what to do with the rest of my life and picking a major isn't hard enough, decisions I have to make keep arising left and right and all at once. (Also, I wish someone had warned me about how hard it really is to decide what to do with your life/picking a major- I wasn't prepared AT ALL). Anyways, the current predicament is deciding what to do with my summer. This doesn't seem that difficult, right? And it really isn't that difficult. But of course, I have no problem making a decision harder than it really is. I have these two great opportunities, and I've been praying really hard for discernment from God as to which one is His will for me this summer. Right when I think I know which one I'm supposed to take, my heart is pulled towards the other. The thing I keep forgetting is that God will be there with me in either one of these endeavors. Now I just need some doors to close or open. And some peace of mind!

That's all for now. Apologies once again for my solemn last few blog posts. SUMMER is near- my chipper self will be back before you know it!


  1. I can totally relate MC. I am so indecisive sometimes--especially with big decisions. God's word has really convicted me about this lately, "an indecisive man is unstable in all his ways." Ultimately I believe you've resolved your own predicament through your understanding that God will be with you no matter which direction you choose. Check out Chapters 30-32 in Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" for ideas! God bless! Rutledge Long

  2. I am also very indecisive and remember going through these same sorts of feelings/decisions back in high school/college. I think as I have gotten older one of the most important things I've come to understand is that God works through us and in us, despite us. I used to be paralyzed with fear of making a "wrong" decision. Like if I didn't do exactly "What God Wanted Me To Do" that I would somehow be turning away from him and would be in peril forever. (I'm not saying you necessarily feel exactly that way but the thing to remember is that He is with us wherever we are and as we attempt to honor Him with our lives, words, actions, thoughts He sees that and knows our hearts. So don't get too freaked out about making decisions, just know that whatever you decide/wherever you feel led God will be there with you.)
